Each year, 60,000 people from around the globe gather in a dusty windswept Nevada desert to build a temporary city, collaborating on large-scale art and partying for a week before burning a giant effigy in a ritual frenzy. Rooted in principles of self-expression, self-reliance and community effort, Burning Man has grown famous for stirring ordinary people to shed their nine-to-five existence and act on their dreams. Spark takes us behind the curtain with Burning Man organizers and participants, revealing a year of unprecedented challenges and growth. When ideals of a new world based on freedom and inclusion collide with realities of the "default world," we wonder which dreams can survive.
把荒漠当成海滩来玩简直太迷幻了 恪守社区准则下放肆的自由 用神圣而具仪式感的方式燃烧搭建的巨大模型 不留下一片残骸与垃圾 如同这个虚拟的都市从来就未曾出现过一样
几年前,没有听说过burning man之前,曾写过《纵火大理:后青年乌托邦狂欢时代》,今天看到这个纪录片,冥冥中的命运前后呼应。有生之年要去!
这个有趣的纪录片是关于美国一个叫Burning Man(燃烧的人?)的反传统狂欢节。每年同一时间上万来自世界各地的烧友在这个寸草不生的荒漠里凭空建起一个只有8天的寿命的“城市”。影片中不仅展示了创新与自由的魅力,还介绍了活动创始组织的风雨历程,不禁让人啧啧称奇。