Insightful and often hilarious, the latest from documentary filmmaker Alan Zweig surveys the history of Jewish comedy, from the early days of Borsht belt to the present, ultimately exploring not just ethnicity in the entertainment industry, but also the entire unruly question of what it means to be Jewish.
第38届多伦多国际电影节最佳加拿大电影Alan Zweig
千万别诱导受采访人,让对方说出自己想说的话。这部纪录片就是最大的反面教材。 如果可以给0星。
大概是这一季最好笑。印象最深的是David Steinberg那句话:“What helps funny is oppression, what kills funny is assimilation.”比较意外的是Howie Mandel竟然可以这么搞…… 导演说大概有30位他想采访的犹太裔名人没有答应出镜,但没采访到这些有头有脸的人其实也降低了自己的压力,成就了电影。