The field of anthropology goes under the magnifying glass in this fiery investigation of the seminal research on Yanomami Indians. In the 1960s and ’70s, a steady stream of anthropologists filed into the Amazon Basin to observe this "virgin" society untouched by modern life. Thirty years later, the events surrounding this infiltration have become a scandalous tale of academic ethics and infighting.
The origins of violence and war and the accuracy of data gathering are hotly debated among the scholarly clan. Soon these disputes take on Heart of Darkness overtones as they descend into shadowy allegations of sexual and medical violation.
Director José Padilha brilliantly employs two provocative strategies to raise unsettling questions about the boundaries of cultural encounters. He allows professors accused of heinous activities to defend themselves, and the Yanomami to represent their side of the story. As this riveting excavation deconstructs anthropology’s colonial legacy, it challenges our society’s myths of objectivity and the very notion of “the other.”
啊 真是 令人 沮丧 的 一个 session...
基于《Darkness in El Dorado》,片中对人类学家的指控异常严重,豆瓣下面也都是天啊好黑暗好可怕的评论。问题是这些指控有真有假。关于Lizot娈童的指控是真的,关于Chagnon的是扯淡#Darkness_in_El_Dorado,但却害得Chagnon不得不提前退休,至今也还很多人觉得他对Yanomami人进行了故意的人体实验,真是造谣张张嘴辟谣跑断腿的典型。
本想说this is way more crossing the line可是this is what human have been doing for centuries on any life forms other than human
细思恐极,人类学研究的黑幕。Where is the boundary? 似乎我们现在的认知还不能让我们明辨是非。我们是闯入了他人的生活还是为真理献身?而Data就代表scientist了吗?我们怎能以我们所处社会的标准去评估另一个完全迥异的社会?又怎么衡量利弊?看起来有些费力,内容的性质本身就决定了其沉重。
shock! 人类学研究黑幕大起底! 有和11岁印第安小萝莉结婚的人类学家; 有鸡奸印第安小正太的gay人类学家; 有可能带去了麻疹的人类学家.......