It’s winter in France, the light is dull, the camera pans over a snowy wasteland and enters a massive construction of steel and glass that is open at the sides, stopping in front of the reproduction of a wooden ship. The structure that juts out over the upper deck is inscribed with the words ‘Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité’.
Med Hondo uses this tracking shot to establish the setting of his feature film West Indies ou les nègres marrons de la liberté (1979), while opening up a much larger space to the imagination at the same time. The ship turns out to be a most versatile stage for a grotesque narrative of colonialism, slavery and the struggle for independence in the French West Indies. Med Hondo explores his many themes in this limited space, whether it be the Middle Passage, marronage, abolition or the history of labour migration to France. The film marries an aesthetics of thrift with the flamboyance of a musical; different time periods glide into one other as elegantly as the geographical points of reference; and only occasionally do the actors’ visible exhalations, an alienation effect created by the cold, remind us that West Indies was not shot on Martinique.
持人的摄影机2023-02-03 00:19:30
NidomeAoki2024-06-03 06:29:36
难别箱舟2024-08-29 20:38:21
Gooner2024-04-24 13:46:23
Beacon 音乐剧 殖民与贩卖黑奴的历史
哈哈2024-07-21 19:26:58
没有昵称2022-12-26 05:52:17
一部手把手为你讲解法国殖民史的歌舞片,除了把历史和当代分成了两条线交错来讲以外,其他都顺顺当当一清二楚,从16世纪到电影拍出的20世纪七十年代。无论是殖民者的目标与手段还是殖民地人民的受压迫、妥协与反抗,都用直白的台词和鲜明的人物形象展现出来。与法国官方叙事不同的是,导演明显对法兰西王国、帝国、共和国的区分并不介意:同样的官邸、同样演员扮演的殖民官员,只是标语从“上帝与国王保护王国”变成了“自由平等博爱”。给高分因为是我看的第一部美国和法国之外的歌舞片,无论从音乐风格上(浓重的鼓声,非常昂扬)还是语言上(除了法语之外有大量的créole antillais)都让人耳目一新。另外,演法国总统的那个人并不像当时的总统Giscard,但不知为什么特别像当时的总理Raymond Barre @2021-10-04 07:05:54
战将波舰金2022-02-15 02:59:47
Theatrically folding two kinds of emigrations, struggles and “success”, telling the misery born in two kinds of colonial circulation. Struggle went on, on-going and will go on.The most astonishing images in Berlinale so far
某生者2024-02-22 23:43:57
刹那。2023-06-29 07:46:48
关闭移民生育的水龙头 这翻译哈哈哈哈 你们不敢直接说计划生育吗?
nöui2023-05-03 21:54:07
JIFF24 在如此有限的场景以歌舞剧的形式讲述了跨越数百年的殖民历史。大为震惊!
mz2024-04-26 02:53:30
幽闭恐惧电影 非常literal but我可以理解 最后一个镜头真的很好 从人的舞蹈到相机的舞蹈
暂时被分裂2020-09-23 10:50:23
在场的局外人2024-04-20 16:43:52
EH2024-03-26 05:10:07