On their way to adulthood, the three outsiders Mark, Memo and Becky come into contact with a fantastic world called the Black Tower. There, the Griffin, a world-devouring monster, has been mercilessly plundering and subjugating all living creatures for centuries. And the three friends, of all people, seem destined to end this reign of terror.
该用户不存在2023-05-28 22:05:31
搞什么我都看完了不让我评论 青春期版怪奇物语(德国特供)bgm挺好听,故事性嗯差,男女主一个对眼爱上了,一个照片恨上了,看着可能有下一季,马马虎虎两个星(特效也不咋地 里面怪物看着挺塑料的)