After two years in prison, Matilda is granted a 24-hour temporary release. Not willing to return, she plans to escape, flee the country and start afresh. But before the day is over, Matilda must reconnect with her troubled past - the family who rejected her, her estranged ex-lover and, most of all, the kid she left behind. The struggle for a new life reminds her that freedom may be just one choice away.
又见一天一夜集中叙事,Mungiu的点子,导演和Tudor Voican共同编剧。摄影师是罗马尼亚新浪潮主力Marius Panduru,加上一群新浪潮的名演员;总之这片儿特罗马尼亚范儿。比较亮的是剪辑,跳切用得相当舒服。还有,好不容易有部片在夏天拍了!
HKIFF 2011.3.26@UA Cinema太古城中心,HK