An adolescent boy ( Phoring) growing up in a back-of-beyond township in North Bengal. Surrounded by the lush Dooars countryside the town barely survives the shutdown of a factory and its jobless population. Maladjusted and a born loser, Phoring fights the voices in his head he calls God. And then a new teacher ( Doel) arrives in school. Doel opens up his mind to things unknown and just when Phoring starts believing that this is not a dream, Doel disappears abruptly leaving behind a trail of doubt and suspicion. Phoring decides to go looking for her in Kolkata.
第17届上海国际电影节亚洲新人奖 最佳影片(提名)
女神是女神的时候,你爱慕她你想得到她。当她变成阶下囚了的时候,你是否还记得你的女神现在有多落魄?也许有些人之所以没追到女神,只是因为他们不够坚持。女主很漂亮,小男孩的笑容就和眼神一样清澈。不带歌舞元素的印度电影还真是不多见呢。#2014上海电影节# #自购,非赠票