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主演:Paul Rodriguez Jr.,Ryan Sheckler,Rob Dyrdek

导演:Chris Zamoscianyk





  This story is based where the skateboard culture is the most foreign, the Midwest. Derrick Cabrera, like all skaters, has a dream of being sponsored and one day going pro. He is an up and coming skater with all the talent but has the world against him. Parents, friends and schoolmates can't understand how Derrick has so much passion for something that has no future in their eyes. His crew of friends that are skaters is the only place he is truly accepted. But, as he gets better and better, the skater he looked up to the most becomes his worst enemy. In the sport of skateboarding a single trick that has never been done or conceived can bring you stardom in an instant. Derrick has that trick, if only he can make it. As he attempts to make this trick he is faced with skateproofing, a jealous friend and cops who have it in for him. Derrick finally gets arrested for skating on private property. After that his parents lay down the law and try to force him to quit skateboarding. Adding insult to injury, his girlfriend forces an ultimatum on him as well: "The skateboard or life with her." At that point, Derrick gives up everything and runs away with his friends to the Tampa Am contest in Florida. This is a weekend that can turn an unknown skateboarder into a future star. He sees it as his only shot to make it in skateboarding. Derrick's rivalry comes to a head in Florida when his crew of friends abandons him because of his jealous mentor. A top amateur's sister rescues Derrick by giving him a place to stay and convincing him to believe in himself. With all the world of skateboarding watching, Derrick finally makes the trick that shocks the entire skate world and instantly thrusts him into the spotlight. His dream of being sponsored has come true.



凡是滑板的电影,我是必看的。这片子里的女主好可爱!ERIC JONES的确滑的很棒!不过故事一般,音乐太不撑了,还有……滑板运动万岁!



看完了。喜欢Erik.J 颜和风格,高飘远啊。主角也是,颜就是我喜欢的那种,死性子也是喜欢的,大概玩滑板的人都这样?虽然豆瓣很多人说电影没劲,不说多,每个人都有不同见解。最后tampa赛主角尝试那个动作,一堆人敲着滑板高喊着“one more try!one more try!”真的很燃!看完之后更笃定心了

现在看有点土土的,但查了下主角们大都是职业滑手就原谅了,有涉及到象征叛逆青春的滑板和家庭的矛盾,但却没有找到出路,或许本来也没有出路,更多是天生性格使然。喜欢chhuck taylor酷姐姐。

又来了一遍 挺牛b 之前就是这片子喜欢上 p rod 和滑板 感动依然还在 美国也不是天堂 在哪都没成功之前都是不被人认可的 主要是你需要怎样面对 面对别人和自己



我不清楚你们是怎么样的,反正我看这群pro毫无灵魂的演技和台词我就一直忍不住笑,哈哈哈哈哈哈,滑就好了,别说话 。paulrod着实有点可爱

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