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  Based on his play by the same name, Neil LaButes script follows a successful writer who, on the eve of his wedding, travels across the country to meet up with ex-lovers in an attempt to make amends for past relationship transgressions. Crisscrossing from Seattle to Boston, he reunites with high school sweetheart Sam, sexually free-spirited Tyler, married college professor Lindsay, his best friends little sister Reggie, and "the one that got away" Bobbi. A modern-day Candide stumbling through a landscape familiar to most men-messy breakups.

我都不好意思说看了这部电影 因为研究生cinema studies第一节课就放这个 我真的 无语了


USA小资渣男一厢情愿为自己打造为情所困给自己看的一出戏(诶好像每个人都这样诶?♀️ ………碎叨叨一下旁友帮帮忙啊 是空调不冷书不好看没有其他事情做吼只晓得谈朋友?️

(霓虹版)舞台删掉了其中一个故事 然后另一颗橘子说这个故事出了的话就算你家哭五分钟也没法洗白渣男w(但是真的渣啊和这部相比月九一点也不渣啊简直纯爱

凤凰台有天放了预告然后好想看TT TT好多喜欢的妹子

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