if beckham and brad pitt had a baby..the most beautiful baby in the world. if i had three wishes i would use all those three wishes on fucking that baby嘛呀这个段子哈哈哈 fat can be beautiful yeah just not to me-flight delay coz of we ran out of seat belt extensions; being an ugly woman is like being a man ur gonna have to work
完全是为了瞅瞅脆莓公园里那只熊的真身长啥样才看 嗯 他还是作为一只熊比较好笑
Being an ugly woman is like being a man. You are gonna have to work.瞬间泪奔~
这种stand up跟rap有异曲同工之妙
how is daniel tosh not gay?
pitcum!!!! 其实还好 听说还有更重口的求看><