A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process
有这么小众么,豆瓣才44人看过.故事情节非常简单,给情感展开提供了充分的空间.男女主演技很棒.fuck完后男主叮嘱女主他是爱你的别让他心碎那一瞬间觉得男主就是个渣,爽完了把责任丢给女主,还有问女主是不是第一次时她那一瞬间的表情变换...应该是最近看过的最短的电影了= =居然有英字T.T
Have you ever been in love with the idea of someone?
WOW! such a strong powerful movie! great acting, dark theme, and sad ending for the couple. not my typical love ones but enjoyable thru~