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Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion[英语]

Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion



导演:Michael Blieden





The show was recorded at the San Francisco club The Purple Onion in June 2005. In addition to Zach's routine, which features Zach's trademark dry humor, a large portion of which is accompanied by a light piano piece played by Zach as bed music. It ends with Zach tearing off pages of a large pad of paper which contain prewritten, largely self deprecating jokes, while a boys choir sings Greatest Love of All. The DVD contains two separate sections which are cut to throughout the routine, often at times where the content of the routine may have to do with the content of the other portions.

  One of the sections is an unscripted roadtrip to The Purple Onion in a Volkswagen bus with Zach and his friend Joe Wagner. The banter and happenings that occur seem to provide insights to where Zach gets some of his comedy. The bus ends up breaking down just short of their goal so they finish the trip in rented small car, usually meant for tourists. The roadtrip portrays Zach as a fun-loving guy, different than his stage persona.

  The second section is a loosely scripted interview of Seth Galifianakis (played by Zach) by Brian Unger. Though Zach, himself, doesn't appear in this section but the aim of the interview seems to be to find the root of Zach's depression and ramblings on stage.

  The DVD was released March 6, 2007.

Out of the box ok @2019-03-25 15:07:13 @2020-03-04 18:13:18

Out of the box ok @2019-03-25 15:07:13

采访孪生兄弟的部分有一个地方真是笑抽过去 涕泪横流,以至于我不得不停下来 甚至因为过度大笑产生了想吐的生理不适...

应该让Nick Offerman扮演Zach的brother,完全一致。。PS.随机即兴互动竟然问到了一个模拟人生2的工作人员。。

zach is a fucking genius!!!!


Seth Galifianakis is what a great role

还是蛮好笑的,点点可怜,然后。。。时间有点长 =。=

会弹钢琴真好(后来[the campaign]那角色是他哥哥形象衍生出来的?)

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