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In Green Wing Special the critically acclaimed hospital-inspired comedy "Green Wing" is back for a one off extravaganza. This genre-defying TV show takes and altogether unconventional view of the health service, proving that medical issues needn't have any actual relevance in a hospital setting. Produced by the same team who brought you "Smack the Pony", the series is more concerned with the antics of its dysfunctional characters than with real medical issues, and consequently plays out like a surreal soap opera.

如果说第二部最后让我觉得这部剧要烂尾,那这个圣诞特辑简直就把整部剧立刻拉到神坛。Alan和Joanna逃亡最后给Boyce电话,两个人手拉手走到海里简直泪目。结尾Caroline和气球飞在半空,不是喜剧。即使和Mac在一起,可是最后也不是happy ending,好心塞。


maybe, just maybe, i will be naked on the beach and take a photo of this scene on my own. Maybe, i can experience flying on my own too. Loneliness is my true color. Experiencing life and stories as much as i can.


Alan and Joanna are meant for each other after all... 在煽情和搞怪之间游走得恰到好处 感恩您拽着我把green wings看完了

最后竟然是caroline和mac结婚,虽然也感觉是应该的,但是还是觉得guy对caroline 的感情也是很令人感动。

Alan&Boyce这一对真的是意难平,疯疯癫癫的Sue White也终于找到真爱了。最后一幕美好的不像话,Caroline乘着氢气球往天空飞去,Alan&Joanna牵手赴死,浪漫又伤感。

结尾实在太浪漫。无论生死,我陪着你。 Alan在红色电话亭打给Boyce,“Dr. Stratham, are you serenading me with Lionel Richie? ”心都酥了。

我一定是眼瞎了,要不是看了眼演员表,好奇Mark Heap咋在里面,否则可能到现在看完全集都没认出来他就是Alan啊!!!

This is bloody comedy! 这么一部神经剧搞起煽情来……Alan给boyce打电话那里诶哟我居然泪目了全季最romantic的时刻 fuck……为什么这群神经病要那么浪漫,继续去戏里戏外追gc这对

本来没什么,看到Caroline被气球牵引着在空中飘啊飘,莫名难过起来,看完越想越难过,无法抑制悲伤的蔓延。我看的不是喜剧吗!!!!!bloody hell



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