The IMAX "Cosmic Voyage" film was made as a public service with sponsorship by the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. On DVD, borrowed from my local public library, it plays at just over 30 minutes with Morgan Freeman supplying a pleasing narrative. As one would expect from an IMAX film, the image quality is superb and the Dolby 5.1 sound track is very well done. Simulated cosmic explosions shake your walls! That is, if you have a good powered subwoofer in your system.
The film takes a very useful approach to examining the size of the universe, from tiny sub-atomic particles to the vastness of the whole universe. (Fortunately, when God created the Universe he had dispatched a few angels with video cameras at different vantage points so we get to see actual footage from several billion years ago.) The film starts in Venice, where the discovery of the telescope originated, and uses a one-meter hoop as a reference point, then gradually goes larger by powers of 10, e.g. 10 meters, 100, 1000, etc until we can see the whole universe. Then it takes the opposite journey, going smaller by powers of 10 until be see inside sub-atomic particles.
The story is well-woven with beautiful effects created especially for this film. It is entertaining and educational at the same time. All of "oldsters" can enjoy it for the scientific history we are already familiar with, and all the "youngsters" can enjoy it for the educational supplement it provides. Overall a masterful film.
Any numerical "rating" of "Cosmic Voyage" is meaningless. If one is looking for a superb film about our universe and modern theories of its formation, this one is hard to beat. Kudos to IMAX and to the Air and Space Museum.
二十世纪九十年代的纪录片啊,难以置信…… 人类必须了解他所处的宇宙,就像必须了解自己一样。 三十六分钟的纪录片,可以治疗抑郁、焦虑、失眠…… 好了,睡觉去。
前半段看了半本修仙小说,后半段看了半部《蚁人》。 很少看科幻纪录片,因为看完就觉得自己的人生着实无趣,人家在探索宇宙,探究生命的奥义,而我在死躺着等宵夜。
带有人文色彩的纪录片。从无穷大的multiverse到无穷小的quark,人的一生仅仅“a lifetime”真的太短暂太渺小了。
很久以前的科普纪录片 结构还是非常清晰完整的 从宏观到微观 从宇宙到夸克 再加入时间维度 人类何其渺小 而这份渺小里又有多少造物的伟大 引发我们新的生命思考 自然与生命的产生何其幸运 想珍惜所有美好 而在空间和时间的维度里我们这样渺小 似乎悲欢离合也算不得什么了 尽可能的活个精彩的此生吧 (旁白很棒)
短短36分钟,展示了宇宙在空间和时间两个方面的跨度:空间从150亿光年到夸克,时间从宇宙大爆炸到人类文明。 看完感觉人类更加渺小了,无论从时间,还是空间角度,都是。
32-33分钟 从已知宇宙边缘到夸克那段 完美视觉化了我的脑洞 每当烦恼的时候 就会脑补这种一花一世界 不过作为科普片还是太概括了 好在最近看的人类宇宙里刚好都详细讲了这些点