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黑帮悍将[阿拉伯语 / 英语 / 西班牙语]

  Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. It opens in 1972, as the three are members of an East L.A. gang known as the "Vatos Locos", and the story focuses on how a violent crime and the influence of narcotics alter their lives. Miklo is incarcerated and sent to San Quentin, where he makes a "home" for himself. Cruz becomes an exceptional artist, but a heroin addiction overcomes him with tragic results. Paco becomes a cop and an enemy to his "carnal", Miklo.

以迈克,帕科,克鲁兹三个拉丁裔兄弟为线展开的故事。迈克受够打工的凌辱来到东洛杉矶投奔帕科的亲戚,而帕科血气方刚是帮派成员,表兄克鲁兹很有绘画天赋。在一次为克鲁兹复仇冲突中迈克进了监狱,帕科以兵役代价躲过牢狱之灾,而克鲁兹处于残疾人。迈克在监狱中为了自保逐渐攀升上了拉丁族帮派节节高升,帕科兵役后当了探员打击罪犯,克鲁兹为了减少伤病痛苦成了瘾君子。最后三个人的命运都因为时间的推移而改变。 评分很高的片子,可惜内味不对。看似三人一线的路子结果都是各走各的。


Kevin told me about this film when I was asking him about LA Chicano culture. And wow. Honestly you can’t compare this w Godfather or vice verse. Very different scenarios. Also you get to see the LA prison culture. Three hours well spent. I just took so many pauses to really digest the plot so it took me six hours lol


资源真难找 只有英文字幕其中夹杂的西班牙语也没翻译成英文看着也费劲


1993~ A solid 4 star~


Blood in Blood out这个是德语版的名字。原版的名字叫Bound by Honor. 国际上很著名的片子,但国内似乎观众较少。

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