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  A celebrity sex tape is typically an amateur pornographic video recording involving one or more celebrity famous person(s) which has, intentionally or unintentionally, been made available publicly. Such video tapes are often released without the consent of their subjects, and could potentially damage celebrities' careers. In 1988, a sex tape caused significant damage to Rob Lowe's career.[1] In recent years, however, many celebrities have benefited from the publicity resulting from the release of a sex tape.[2] The release of Paris Hilton's sex tape in 2003 as well as Kim Kardashian's sex tape in 2007 brought them to a new level of fame, leading to magazine covers, book deals, and reality TV series.

  The surfacing of sex tapes has become so common that some are "leaked" as a marketing tool to advance or establish a media career.[1] A celebrity can fight the release in court to maintain deniability while still enjoying the career benefits. In contrast, a celebrity may take the route of openly releasing the tape and benefit directly from royalties as well as indirectly from the publicity. The current public acceptance of celebrities with sex tapes is speculated by Joe Levy, executive editor of Rolling Stone, to be due to the easy availability of pornography, as well as couples more commonly making their own tapes due to the prevalence of video cameras



一群宅男为了摆脱处男名号 阴差阳错的上了大明星 结果被恶心经纪人威胁只好再去拍porn的故事 挺有趣的 值得一看的小短片






本来打算给3星 觉得剪辑的很突兀。。有些点很莫名其妙。尤其后来处男破处。。。 后来看了眼影评。。 发现 。。 妈的。。 看的竟然是剪辑版的。。 加一星。。 为了我没有看到的、、、


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