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  Episode 1: Love Me Do

  New series investigating the music revolution of the past 40 years, and its links to the British fascination with sex and gender. The first programme looks at the 1960s, when the popularity of groups like the Beatles and pop icons such as Cilla Black, Marianne Faithfull and Sandi Shaw went hand in hand with a new generation of assertive fans. The decade also saw the rise of camp in the form of Brian Jones and Mick Jagger.

  Episode 2: Oh You Pretty Things

  Exploring the glam rock sound of the 1970s, when pioneers Marc Bolan and David Bowie made make-up on men fashionable. Led Zeppelins heavy rock with its macho image upset the burgeoning feminist movement, while punk and discos origins also fell within the decade. With contributions by Siouxsie Sioux, Germaine Greer, Malcolm McLaren and Robin Gibb.

  Episode 3: Tainted Love

  The musical and sexual preferences of the flamboyant 1980s, when New Romantic bands, including the Human League, Spandau Ballet, Culture Club and Duran Duran, conquered the charts. Awareness of Aids began to grow, and by the end of the decade the nations concept of masculinity had been eroded, with girls gaining the upper hand.

  Episode 4: Wannabe: The 90s

  The changing attitudes of the 1990s, when Manchester became the centre of the pop music universe and young people began shedding their inhibitions. With contributions by Norman Cook, Melanie Chisholm, Shirley Manson, Richard Fairbrass, Germaine Greer and Melanie Brown.

每天晚上睡不着就是为了看这个啊。。。。英国流行乐和sex的结合未免有些牵强,权当音乐纪录片看了。每次看这种东西都要感叹一代不如一代啊啊啊啊~~~90s后就没有可发掘的东西了,猛然发觉连lady gaga也只不过是retro而已啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~


60年代的“性”的启蒙与解放;70年代“性”的边界日益模糊;80年代“性”变成一场疯狂派对,直到AIDS的出现为那个纸醉金迷的时代蒙上一层阴影;90年代,主流流行也开始染指并消费青少年“性冲动”,独立音乐继续用他们的角度探索‘性’。 流行音乐/偶像经济的本质就是贩卖性幻想。


Roll roll roll “搞基嗑药史”-无字幕英音 相比最近的英国 Tony Blair时期也是good old days了吧


就看了最后一集,冲着乐队们去的的,妈的我家BA叔就这样被采访来讨论confused sexuality!!原来这个片子讲的是英国的各种性别在音乐(人)中的体现呢,是我跑题了呢。。腐国人的视角好独特呢,呵呵。。想想在我大天朝,直接oasis和spicy girls二选一,其他直接咔嚓在襁褓中,这种事想多了就好心酸。

new romantics与aids不得不说的故事;Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994牛逼; girl power and the awareness of sexuality of very young girls

(#‵′)远古时期的粉丝真是不一般强大!!Beatles的场子真怀疑底下除了各路尖叫还听到啥⊙﹏⊙b dying for那种LIVE呀!!!除了解放运动外sex完全就拿来哗众取宠主题么= =! E102鲍鱼叔叔美型~哎你的EX竟然咋么说你 0)(0

Marc Bolan和Bowie和Boy George和Suede的部分非常impressive啊~看得我各种热血沸腾=。=

无字幕看的都要吐血了,但是还是在很认真的看因为有Beatles啊啊啊啊啊!!!LOVE LOVE LOVE听到哭哭哭哭TAT每日睡觉前十分钟就当英语听力了吧~

这为了八卦而拍,但我才不会承认自己窃笑过多少次呢。然后,那句,Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they’re girls Who do girls like they’re boys.

1. 妈蛋最后一集开始说after all Britain is a conservative country...骗谁呢_(:з」∠)_ 2. 前三个半小时堆了各种漂亮的女孩子男孩子,风骚大叔什么的。有缸一出现画风立刻就不对了_(:з」∠)_ 3.戴安娜究竟是为什么躺了一枪。。。。。 4.越想越觉得主题曲选的太好。



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