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演播时刻 第二季[英语]

演播时刻 第二季

又名:危情时刻 第二季 / 新闻狂人 第二季 / 时时刻刻 第二季 / 焦点时刻 第二季(台)


导演:桑德拉 戈尔德拜彻 , 凯瑟琳·莫斯海德 , Jamie Payne





The six new episodes will see the team still striving to broadcast the stories they believe in as they grapple with the looming spectre of the Cold War and changing social mores.

  The series will chart political intrigue and corruption against the highly charged backdrop of a country in the grip of unsettling and rapid change. With the space race and nuclear power, Britain seems on the threshold of a new era of modernisation, economic optimism, scientific progress and cultural change in the face of new immigration from the Commonwealth. But under the buoyant veneer, our characters become deeply embroiled in cover-ups, sexual intrigues and the resurgence of Mosley’s fascism.

  Bel Rowley (Romola Garai) is still single and determined not to get involved with another married man. Clarence is in prison and she must now report to Randall Brown (Peter Capaldi) the eccentric new Head of News. Whilst juggling the sparky relationships around her, she finds out that Hector is being lured to ITV. She fights for her programme and finds herself taking on her adversary, Bill Kendall (Tom Burke), a producer whose magnetic charm she can’t help but find irresistible.

  Hector Madden (Dominic West) has risen to the status of a national celebrity, all whilst maintaining his lifestyle as a happily married man and face of The Hour. He is unsettled by Marnie’s (Oona Chaplin) desire to establish her own career and finds himself drawn to the late night clubs of Soho where he befriends Kiki (Hannah Tointon), a club hostess. No longer happy at The Hour under Randall’s new regime, he is tempted by offers from ITV, but when a night at the club goes badly wrong, scandal threatens and Hector must try to stop a news story that could destroy his marriage and his career.

  Freddie Lyons (Ben Whishaw), who was fired after ‘The Lord Elms’ live interview, makes an unexpected return to The Hour. Having been away for several months travelling around the world, he returns as co-host of The Hour, to both Bel and Hector’s surprise. He has however not lost his passion to investigate and as he becomes embroiled with exposing a cover-up, it becomes clear that the ghosts of the past will not let Freddie go.

  Lix (Anna Chancellor) is still heading up the foreign desk, fighting for airtime for international stories, but a new side to her is revealed when Randall arrives at The Hour. Meanwhile, McCain (Julian Rhind-Tutt) is now Head of Press for Macmillan, protecting the recently elected Prime Minister and the closed circle of his cabinet.

  The Hour was re-commissioned by Janice Hadlow, Controller of BBC Two, and Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning. The executive producers are Jane Featherstone, Derek Wax and Abi Morgan for Kudos Film and Television and Lucy Richer for the BBC.

  The producer is Ruth Kenley-Letts (The Nativity) and the directors are Sandra Goldbacher (Ep 1+2), Catherine Morshead (Ep 3+4) and Jamie Payne (Ep 5+6). Abi Morgan has written episodes 1, 2, 5 + 6 and Nicole Taylor has written episode 3 and George Kay episode 4.

  The Hour is a Kudos/BBC America Co-production.

  Filming started this week in the London area for three months for transmission next year.

  Series two of The Hour continues BBC Two’s commitment to original British Drama in 2012.


演播时刻 第二季


演播时刻 第二季

第二季也太好看了,全程都在发力,节奏比第一季更紧凑了。主线非常喜欢,有几段对话看的紧张到冒汗(台词真的很妙),每条支线每个人物都丰富饱满,每段关系在最后都找到了归属。女性在第二季更是锋芒尽显,尤其瞩目是Marinie,自强独立的家庭主妇也太棒了。第二季少了很多肥皂情节,认真搞新闻更加务实(x 唯有几个槽点:1.Bel差点又和敌台人好上,这位主角的桃花也太奇怪了Orz 2.编剧为何老是在主角CP上缺席?!看到法国老婆我简直一口老血,虐恋很香吗,就不能让本老师安然无恙吗QAQ 表示真的很想看二位上床!!(x

演播时刻 第二季



剧情和演技都是五星的水平。丢掉的一星还是归于对女主性格的一丝dislike吧。在事业工作上,she is perfect. 但是在感情方面,从第一季到第二季,实在是不理解为什么她在知道小本一直对她念念不忘的时候,还是伤害着他。真的太喜欢Lix了。尤其是第一季里她点明女主是useless时,女主脸上尴尬的表情,不得不承认,当时心里真的蛮过瘾的.......女主应该就是典型的心里没有安全感,总是需要别人给予,别人用真心靠近,她就各种躲闪的人吧.....心疼小本。小本的颜值,演技,台词功底,都太棒了。Lix的条纹衫和长项链,真的太美了!

太精彩了,甚至比第一季更精彩。小本在第二季里成熟稳重甚至更嫩了。最后一集真的看哭了…直到最后还喊着Moneypenny,真的让我很心碎T T 。hard to believe这么出色的剧没有第三季,真的真的很难过。 太喜欢小记者了,永远正直勇敢,最棒的新闻人……也太喜欢the hour节目组的其他人了,虽然前几集Hector确实很烦…但是后面还好啦。皮卡叔真的很辣,他和Lix的故事也很有趣……总感觉还有好多伏笔,根本就不是该结束的时候。能给Issac一个好结局吗? 编剧真的很厉害,台词真的很强很打动我。还有第三季的可能吗?我真的还想看,pleaseee(T_T)





1.天呐,看了两季我才发现,在B和F之间感情退让的一直是B,我一直以为是F不够勇敢,原来是B。 2.男二可能对妻子不忠,但绝对不是个坏人。 3.F绝对没死。为什么一个完全没有污点的人会死。

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