ANITA tells the story about a young, brilliant African American Anita Hill who accuses the Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of unwanted sexual advances during explosive Senate Hearings in 1991 and ignites a political firestorm about sexual harassment, race, power and politics that resonates 20 years later today. ANITA is a dramatic look at the consequences to a private citizen acting out of a civic duty to 'speak truth to power.' For the first time on film Anita Hills speaks about her experience in the Senate Hearings, her impact on issues of sexual harassment, workplace rights for women and men, social justice and equality. The film is about the empowerment of girls and women, and men, through the extraordinary story of Anita Hill.
So hard to watch!!!! Everything is beyond theatrical!!!!!!!
其实刚看的时候挺抵触的,但还是大大感动了一番。这部纪录片不算是关于听证会,而是Anita这个人,特别是她在听证会之后的二十年如何处理这件事。ending不够好,不过真觉得Anita真是坚强的女人!西方多样化的欣赏女人的方式还是能让女人更自由。另:intersectional feminism 的开端
今天看太合适了。要改变社会对性骚扰的态度太难了,看不到尽头的阻碍。Anita Hill和Clarence Thomas在听证上镇定自若的表现才对得起资深法律工作者。Kavanaugh今天的表现实在是太弱了。
纪录片应该在于记录事实 但是这部纪录片只从Anita的角度出发 btw 我支持女权!!
Anita Hill after 20 years.
again,这种电影不可以说好看不好看。 喜欢里面一个teenage gal说的, people doing so is because no one told them it was wrong at the first place. 听证会结束其中一个committee说the whole sexual harassment crap的时候我除了dafaq没别的
对于看之前完全不了解背景的观众来说(同学大都是85后都不太了解)还是很informative的。初衷照导演的话说是纯粹的tribute to Anita Hill 于是就没有对事件本身过多分析或采访另一方,倒是对听证会的新闻素材进行了戏剧化剪辑