JFK High School, located in the midst of a run-down area in Newark, New Jersey, is a public school for all types of students with special education needs, ranging from those on the autism spectrum to those with multiple disabilities. Janet Mino has taught her class of young men with autism for four years. When they all graduate in the spring of 2012, they will leave the security of the public school system forever. Best Kept Secret follows Ms. Mino and her students over the year and a half before graduation. The clock is ticking to find them a place in the adult world - a job or rare placement in a recreational center - so they do not end up where their predecessors have, sitting at home, institutionalized, or on the streets.
看完了也没明白为什么要叫Best Kept Secret。另外,缺乏对残疾人尊重与关爱的体制,个人再怎么付出,最后也是失望大于希望。PS老师嗓门太尖实在受不了。。。
@SXSWedu screening: thank you for giving people with disabilities their dignity without sensationalism.