From pagan re-enactors to failed communes, black metal festivals to Arctic hermits, and the forever Golden Hour to the Northern Lights, 'A Spell to Ward off the Darkness' is an inquiry into the possibilities of a spiritual existence within an increasingly secular Western culture. A participatory ethnography in the best possible sense, A SPELL choreographs the actions of non-actors within existing Scandinavian landscapes in an effort to arrive at a hybrid document of the past, present, and future; it is a record of experience that proposes belief in transcendence as a viable outcome of living in the now
Ben Rivers的长片总是差点劲。结尾不太喜欢。
Voyage au paradis,两位导演风格的拼接,从卡瓦利埃《天堂》泛舟至形式影像,是割裂感,也是魅力所在
everybody has fingers and asshole but you dun know whose finger in your asshole.........visual anthropology.....所有的狂躁和沉静 在黑色的湖水中摇晃 烟雾在阳光下聚散 像荒野中的人群 在电影院看black metal 很奇妙
人家不是documentary, 人家是non-fiction. 听了导演们的片后回答问题才加上一颗星,因为观影过程实在并不是很愉悦……实验非叙事电影变长之后真的对观众是一种考验啊。叙事不连续的话我希望电影在情绪上有连续感,难道是我太传统?北欧三元素:community, solitude, black metal music.