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主演:Debra Mayer,Riley Smith,Chad Burris

导演:David DeCoteau





  You can't hold too much against this knowing that it was made in four days, and I had expected it to be campy anyway. (It's not all that campy in reality. With the exception of Kevin Kalisher and Huntley Ritter, who don't take themselves seriously, the rest of the cast plays it halfway straight; Riley Smith is exceptionally bad.) The ridiculous story is actually paid attention to, which kind of shocked me; I assumed the whole purpose with these ultra-low-budget horror movies was to cater to the basest sexual fantasies and not give a damn about the story, but they use lots of words like "technological" and "physicality" in the script to get their point across. (Although it's possible that the story is important only to explain why there's so few cast members.) Nobody cares about this stupid storyline, and the only things that are interesting in the film are the mocking of cults and the soft-core homoeroticisms (which aren't all that edgy). I would have enjoyed it more if there were just some random killings for no reason. The film is grainy, with a TV-quality look and acting level. There are a few "sexy" scenes that are alright -- the boys writhing in bed in their boxers, feeling themselves up; or being tied down and making orgasmic faces while wine is poured on them -- and some of them are kinda funny. And I liked the digs at L. Ron Hubbard and the intended irony of a story about religious cultists told with intense gay overtones, but it still isn't any good. 3/10

我笑死,be horny and puppet boys. 收音设备都看到了,看来真的很小成本。Strangely erotic in someway.


打着恐怖巫术旗号的同志片 里面基佬一个比一个帅 动不动就秀肌肉


本來我以為這是一部異教電影, 結果發現根本不能用看「正經電影」的思維睇部戲: 披著黑魔法的外衣, 卻隱含著「同性情色」. 各位同學花瓶做得很成功啊! 我好喜歡Riley Smith, 試問金髮受誰人能抗拒?


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