ESPN will debut a behind-the-scenes documentary following the Boston Celtics next month, with the five-episode series set to give a glimpse of the Green in their quest for Banner 18. Heres more from a press release from NBA Entertainment:
NBAE cameras will provide an up-close, behind-the-scenes look at the Celtics throughout the 2010-11 season. From the “Big Three” of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen, to emerging star Rajon Rondo, to new addition and four-time NBA champion Shaquille O’Neal, to charismatic head coach Doc Rivers, The Association: Boston Celtics will focus on one of sports’ most storied franchises. While much of the preseason hype focused on the defending champion Lakers and the new look Miami Heat, viewers will see how the Celtics are working to prove that they never should be overlooked.
Similar to last season’s The Association: Los Angeles Lakers, this year’s series will focus on the season-long journey of an NBA team – but since the subject is the Celtics, its impossible to ignore history. The five-episode arc will give context as to how the current version of the team fits into Celtics lore, while also exploring the NBA’s longest-lasting rivalry, the Celtics and the Lakers.
Finally, besides going up close with members of the team, The Association: Boston Celtics will portray another important character in the Celtics’ saga - the city of Boston itself. With the team ingrained in the fabric of one of the most passionate sports cities in the country, the Celtics and their fans share an unbreakable bond forged through a history of resilience and triumph.
After airing on ESPN, episodes will be available as video on demand, including on Heres the full broadcast schedule:
Episode 1 - Friday, Dec. 3 - 7 p.m. (30 minutes)
Episode 2 - Friday, Jan. 21 - 7 p.m. (30 minutes)
Episode 3 - Friday, Feb. 25 - 7 p.m. (30 minutes)
Episode 4 - Wednesday, March 16 - 7 p.m. (30 minutes)
Episode 5 - Friday, April 15 - 8 p.m. (60 minutes)
波士顿凯尔特人队的历史底蕴自是不必多说,这是一支有着冠军文化的球队。2007年夏天的一笔“惊天7换1”,31岁的凯文·加内特来到波士顿,携手雷·阿伦和保罗·皮尔斯组成“绿军三巨头”,当时一度被称为改变联盟格局的三人组。成绩也是立竿见影,迅速将当时尚处东部鱼腩的凯尔特人变成了一支冠军之师,一路上披荆斩棘夺得总冠军,而在总决赛被三巨头一举击溃的正是科比·布莱恩特领衔的洛杉矶湖人队。在G6赛后,狼王加内特面对采访仰天长啸高呼出那句that's possible!也已成为了总决赛历史的一个经典瞬间。
居然没标记。没得说的,个人球迷生涯最爱的球队,可惜此纪录片作为背景的2010-2011赛季刚好也是我觉得很遗憾和意难平的一个赛季(前一个赛季总决赛抱憾负给洛杉矶湖人队,本来这个赛季阵容深度可能是那几年最好的,赛季中一笔交易却打乱了整个节奏...)。虽然我最喜欢的球星早已离开了这支球队,但是我很幸运现在还是这支球队的球迷,也有幸能在美国求学时去看过几次波士顿主场的比赛。凯尔特人的球队文化无疑肯定是整个NBA乃至北美几个体育联盟里最为悠久和吸引人的。Once a Celtic, Always a Celtic!
波士顿是个老派城市,坚韧、忠诚、念旧,人们坚信耕耘就会有收获,坦诚相待。凯尔特人就是这座城市的化身,我虽然无法上场打球,但我能够感觉到自己是球队的一部分,所有波士顿人都能感觉到自己是球队的一部分。最沉甸甸的不是成功,而是你为成功付出的汗水。 ——from Chris Evans
安吉:Rajon,领袖必需的十种素质,你现在一种也没有 胖子:我真没什么运动天赋~小奥尼尔差点儿没吓得坐起来 黑人:谁都知道我们为什么放一面空白的旗帜----然而今年又要凉了 哈哈 到了有时候会怀疑体育里精神力量真正价值的年纪,可是毫无疑问的是,强硬,荣誉,团队,波士顿凯尔特人的球队文化可不是跟你来虚的!
08赛季 三巨头集结 抢七战胜詹姆斯的骑士 还有比卢普斯的活塞 总决赛战胜湖人 也让我爱上了失败的那个男人 但是真的好看 十年前的篮球 凯尔特人三巨头是自己对篮球的启蒙 对NBA的认识
【What hurts more,the pain of hard work,or the pain of regret ?】
What hurts more? The pain of hard work or the pain of regress.
绿军的训练馆写着这样一句话:“刻苦带来的痛苦和后悔带来的伤痛,哪个更痛?”为了共同的梦想,他们团结一致、并肩作战、不惧艰险、无畏伤痛,只为最后的胜利!这是真正的团队,这是纯粹的篮球!老家伙们在一起打球的时间不多了,珍惜每一场球吧。向着第18个冠军,我们来了!Go Celtics!