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主演:Detmar Blow

导演:Louise Osmond





Alexander McQueen had the kind of fashion genius that only comes around once in a generation. He reinvented the catwalk and created clothes that shocked and thrilled his audience.

  This dramatic and elegantly shot film tells McQueen's story, by examining critical relationships - most significantly with the eccentric stylist Isabella Blow, who was credited with discovering McQueen and making his meteoric rise to the pinnacle of world fashion possible. McQueen and I includes rare footage of McQueen, and unseen interviews with the woman who shared his ambitions and inspiration.

  McQueen's designs were beautiful, savage and revolutionary, erupting from his frenetic imagination. They catapulted him from tough beginnings in the East End to becoming the darling of the catwalks the world over.

  From his first graduation show, the hard-up McQueen found a muse and patron in Blow, an exotic aristocrat with a keen eye for talent who would embark upon a fierce campaign to propel the fledgling designer to the forefront of fashion and for his work to gain the recognition it deserved.

  To Isabella, McQueen was the genius 'who makes clothes fly'. The tempestuous connection between them was of two outsiders attracted by each other's exuberance and rebellious spirit.

  His striking collections and explosive shows quickly earned him a reputation for controversy and he shocked the fashion world. McQueen challenged every convention: with 'bumster' trousers and lunatic asylum shows, with car robots on the catwalk and Kate Moss as a hologram.

  Behind the creative drive of both McQueen and Isabella Blow was a darkness that couldn't be kept in check and that McQueen shielded from the public. In 2007, after repeated attempts, Isabella took her own life. One of McQueen's greatest shows was a memorial to her. Three years later and four months after his latest triumph in Paris - his best show yet according to critics - McQueen tragically echoed Isabella when he committed suicide in February 2010.

  The film-makers for McQueen and I interview friends, models and journalists, as well as his brother and his ex-boyfriend, to discover what McQueen was really like away from the limelight, the pressure that came with his success and how he changed through the rollercoaster years.


麦昆基本上算是把drama custom, performance art等文化成功商业化的第一人/看他买的成衣和配饰其实和catwalk上的没什么关系

看到了一个时尚行业有血有肉的人。其实我们都是平凡人。Legend and depression. 你知道我有多努力吗?你们总是在judge。But do you really care, do you really understand?

麦昆不仅仅是服装设计师了,他就是艺术家。比同期的那几位高太多了。我的见识有限,觉得他的设计和秀的表现力上,都强于比他年长的还健在的Armani, Karl Legerfeld, Valentino。他跟Chanel, 纪梵希,迪奥同列都丝毫不逊色的。

Some people just have the eyes for beauty, which other people don't have.才情这东西,没有的人再怎么努力也赶不及,见识过如此多的鬼才不免为自己的平庸而羞愧。可惜纪录片内容做得一般。

1)McQueen和David Bowie一样,自带一种骄傲而自我的temperament,同时对自己的领域极度认真,极度努力,让周围的人忍不住仰视他在做的一切,可他自己并不享受这种仰视。2)看过了他承受的痛苦和他的阴暗面之后,很难轻轻松松说出赞美之词。他创造的一切,正在榨干他的精气神,以及他活下去的热情。3)素材之间的拼接和过度有点生硬,不够流畅,不如17年上映的另一部纪录片McQueen来得舒服。

Galliano's was luv at first sight McQueen's touched my soul He was gifted The Live painting dress Till the moon & back Alex

又一部生肉 看到后面眼泪就忍不住掉下来 you can’t stop, next clothes,next collection.....

想起那句:那个时期的设计师精神上非常Fucked Up…PS加利亚诺居然还活着,MarcJacobs现在摇摇欲坠,真正的高人还是马吉拉、Helmut Lang,说退出就退出


比起展出和书,多穿插了很多T台视频(虽然听起来很废话。。。更能get到当年观众的惊吓与经验。他和Isabella看起来都很敏感脆弱的样子,能找到这样的soulmate也算幸运吧。不过说起来gay和女性都算minority,一个事业有成一个被杂志炒鱿鱼,总觉得为Isabella可惜 @2018-03-18 12:14:13

He is a wild bird with good silhouette. Rebelliously rock and shock the fashion industry, genuinely.

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