Destroyed in a dramatic and highly-publicized implosion, the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex has become a widespread symbol of failure amongst architects, politicians and policy makers. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth explores the social, economic and legislative issues that led to the decline of conventional public housing in America, and the city centers in which they resided, while tracing the personal and poignant narratives of several of the project's residents. In the post-War years, the American city changed in ways that made it unrecognizable from a generation earlier, privileging some and leaving others in its wake. The next time the city changes, remember Pruitt-Igoe.
Written by Anonymous on IMDB.
第17届金卫星奖电影部门 最佳纪录片(提名)
文 化 无 能 为 力 之 事,X X 也 一 筹 莫 展
Racial segregation observed today in North American urban areas is not a coincidence
上课看得 最感动是圣诞节入伙那段 Look! I have a bed. I even have a door! 这就让人如此高兴了吗?刚开始一切得以维护 住户其乐融融看不到危机 但这项目的政治本质让它注定会失败——一个受到严格监管 有着各项不平等条约的现代种族歧视监狱 加上很差的基础设施 低素质的居民 居民还找不到工作 收入太低以至于难以维持现状运转 最终PI的轰然倒塌也是必然结果了
footage出乎意料地多。"The party is over."
architecture cannot solve social problems.
Urban renewal public housing st. Louis
public housing是美国社会所有问题的集中体现 资本的dictatorship 巧妙的隐藏在自由民主的表象之后 控制着社会的走向 不论是政府是学者还是公民 都无能为力
建筑背后的社会问题 远不是单纯的资金投入和计划式运转能解决的 山崎实亦预想不到