In the most in-depth television documentation of the lives of Little People, the series follows the Roloffs - an extraordinary family composed of both little and average-sized people. Over six months and for 10 hours per day, the series captured the family's everyday successes and struggles. The result is an intimate view of life as a Little Person. Parents Matt and Amy Roloff are both little people - 4 feet tall - but they are determined to succeed in a world that isn't always accepting of differences. Matt has risen through the ranks of the business world, closing deals with some of Silicon Valley's most well-known companies. After being laid off, Matt decided to pursue his dream of owning his own business. Originally a stay-at-home mom but now holding down two jobs, Amy has raised four children: 15-year-old twins, Jeremy and Zach (Jeremy is average height and Zach is a little person), 12-year-old Molly and 8-year-old Jacob. Together they own and operate Roloff Farms, a sprawling 34..
大儿子圆寸是真帅⋯⋯不过 双胞胎 一个正常 一个侏儒⋯⋯哎
Little People, Big World. 我感叹于他们乐观的态度。