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又名:We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company & The Making of Band of Brothers

主演:James Alley Jr.,Roderick Bain,Lynn 'Buck' Compton

导演:Mark Cowen





Band of Brothers - Individual Disc #6 "We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company & The Making of Band of Brothers"

  Over a period of two years, Mark Cowen and his crew travelled to 30 U.S. and ten European cities, to interview the veterans of Easy Co. The stories, told by the veterans themselves, create a history of the Second World War from the point of view of this heroic company of men, made famous in the mini-series Band of Brothers.

“真正的英雄是那些墓碑下的长眠者,他们才是真正的英雄,不是我们,我们仅仅是战争的一部分。感谢上帝让我们活着回来,仅此而已。” 这部纪录片虐得从头哭到尾。

easy company,兄弟连~看完电视剧再看花絮和纪录片,这才是真实的战争和亲身经历战争的尖刀连,比任何戏谑和故事感人

这是Band of brothers背后真实的纪录片。老人们那时离开战场之后平静地生活了这么多年,哪怕向家人都不曾张扬过,却把那段记忆深深铭刻进人生,成为他们之间特殊的纽带。惊讶于他们的安然平和,令人落泪。不是因为煽情而感人,而是真实。

"Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?" "No....but I served in the company of heroes. "

I‘m not a hero but I served in a company of heroes. 看完之后很感动,一个个年轻的小伙子上了战场就变成了勇担重任的军人,历经生死后又重新回归平凡的生活,带着死去战友们的那份,努力过好剩下的一生。向二战中所有反法西斯的战士们致敬。

how the documentary story makes the real history? The reason and motivation, or saying ,the inspiration makes.

“那晚我向上帝感恩,谢谢他那天看顾着我,还祈求保佑我撑到登陆第二天,如果我真得能够撑到回家,我答应上帝还有我自己,我会找个安静的地方平静度过余生。”——Major Richard “Dick” Winters 在他的脸上,我总看到一种悲伤感…/gy-home

“...They parachuted into Normandy on D-Day, fought for the liberation of Holland, held the frontline in the Battle of the Bulge, and captured Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. This company sustained one of the highest casualty rates of the war. These were the men of Easy Company 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division.” ♥️??



像是一部伟大的人类学作品,这才是有血有肉的军人。上学被教科书里那些渲染的英雄事迹所“感动”,崇拜英雄,要为国牺牲,向往建工伟业…… 这些洗脑成功了二十多年。听这些老兵的讲述,想起外公小时候跟我讲的故事,他们对战争的理解如此相似,真实。

哎呀,最后的彩蛋真可爱。比对一下能看到剧中的几个改动,注意到的一个是Winters接受了对方的pistol,and it was not and will never be fired.

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