为纪念Motown唱片公司成立五十周年,演员和Motown粉丝Martin Freeman前往底特律和洛杉矶,了解那些成就了Motown的辉煌的人们。
In this Culture Show special marking the 50th anniversary of Motown Records, actor and Motown fan Martin Freeman takes the trip of a lifetime. Visiting both Detroit and LA, he encounters the men and women, from the world famous to the unsung, who played a part in the massive success story that was Motown.
In Detroit he meets, amongst others: Duke Fakir, the last surviving member of the Four Tops; Sylvia Moy, who wrote the lyrics for Stevie Wonder's Uptight; Motown producer Clay McMurray, who used to work in Quality Control for the label and pushed for the release of Stevie Wonder's My Cherie Amour; former DJ Scottie Regan, who played early Motown on white radio stations. Martha Reeves, lead singer of Martha and the Vandellas, now a Detroit councillor. Plus three of the original Funk Brothers, the backing musicians who were so key to the development of the Motown sound in the Sixties: guitarist Eddie Willis, bass player Bob Babbitt and drummer Uriel Jones.
From Detroit, Martin travels to Los Angeles, following the same path that Motown itself took when the record label moved West in 1972. Here he meets more of the Motown stars: three of The Jackson 5 - Marlon, Tito and Jackie Jackson; Mary Wilson of The Supremes and Otis Williams of The Temptations. Songwriters Lamont Dozier and Brian and Eddie Holland talk to Martin about their string of hits for the label, including Where Did Our Love Go and Reach Out.
马丁小自由摩城历险记…听到《my girl》的时候真的好怀念啊。看着这短片时,外面由阴雨绵绵到阳光灿烂,心情也跟随着好起来
很久之前就看过 可是那时候不知道潮男是谁 只是想看Motown的传奇故事 刚又看了一遍 果然注意力全放在潮男身上了 还有 不是我说哦 爷 你衣服是不是换的忒勤快了。。。而且要不要每件都那么好看啊!苏哭了!【再回头看看某缺【心子好塞(。
缺一星是因为这片是讲Motown的歌的,我是为潮爷来的。脑残粉表示潮爷巨萌各种点,女士可以关电视了,这东西看起来像刀客特胡里的,还有那种强烈的共鸣和偶尔的不懂就讲year,其实歌很好听。。。而且一些诸如一边听歌词一边同步听曲调唱Live什么听起来就巨牛逼轰轰啊i dont like u but i luv u
motown is definitely not my most favorite, 可是听到my girl和marvin gaye的时候真是...心头一紧鼻头一酸 = = 我最美的二十世纪
“everyone was at the coal face,everyone played their part, they've all got their part to play in one of my favourite things.”总之MF萌翻了ww
第一次听motown应该就是marvingaye 他的歌不止限于缠绵情话 有不错的广泛题材 除了大放异彩的歌手 编曲音乐人 伴奏师 乐手都是一个文化整体 所以说这么多有志之才集聚在底特津到LA 虽然遗弃了一部分灵魂人物 但总的造就了属于motown的时代 非裔骄傲的源泉 恐怕真的是天意把
一开始马田费曼先森的采访技能很让人拙计啊,都是yeah, yeah, right,后面乐手开始反问他觉得自己音乐怎样后,这货才好像被点通任督二脉一样流畅地滔滔不绝鸟= =
跟着潮南同学认识音乐说得好~ My Girl 好燃~ BoyzIIMen怎么连个酱油都没得打.... 其实是潮爷音控来着~
OMG我竟然听到了where did love go!以前的流行乐真的好棒好棒啊!!!潮男像个小粉丝一样,可是又很帅很萌~~(≧▽≦)/~