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脆弱的变化911:美国策略[英语 / 法语 / 西班牙语]



主演:Daniel Sunjata

导演:Dylan Avery





With the departure of the Bush Administration and the arrival of an era of transparency, opportunities are arising for the disclosure of new information that may shed more light on the events that took place before and after 9/11/2001. Dramatically narrated by Daniel Sunjata of FX s Rescue Me, and an outspoken advocate for the First Responders, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup first examines mysterious and infamous events that reshaped world history from the Reichstag Fire in 1933 that catapulted Hitler to dictatorship - to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1964 that led to the Vietnam War, and then takes viewers on a turbulent journey through several pivotal moments in history before delving into the most significant catastrophe in recent memory, 9/11. Loaded with powerful, new footage and in-depth interviews with the likes of Steven Earl Jones, an American physicist who has discovered undetonated explosive material in multiple samples of dust from the World Trade Center collapses, this documentary presents a wide array of evidence both known and unknown...until now. Eight years later, the American people continue to live in the aftermath of 9/11 and deal with its ongoing repercussions. Is this just another machination of power on the timeline of history? If so, the real question is what happens next? Or better yet, what can we do to prevent another 9/11? The film serves as a fundamental call to action which is fueled by hope that those affected by 9/11 will soon receive the answers that they have sought after for nearly a decade.



Never stop asking questions

911真相大揭露,美国禁播惊人内幕。loose change 911



Loose Change 向敢于追求事实的人致敬。Are you angry? You should be


惨了这个我是看过还是没看过?!??!?|| 事實證明是看過的..

比起第二集没什么更新鲜的论点, 论据甚至还有削弱.

我就想知道,第三栋楼倒塌的原因是什么? 从来就没有一栋钢筋水泥的摩天大厦会因为火灾而倒塌,你现在告诉我一天倒了仨? 这真不是阴谋论,这是简单的概率问题。

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