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BBC - 墙上的艺术[英语]

BBC - 墙上的艺术


主演:Sue Perkins






Sue Perkins带你一起探究英国室内装饰的变革。

  The Art on Your Wall

  Sue Perkins charts the changes in British taste towards domestic art by delving into the stories of contemporary bestsellers, charting the history of post-war prints and aiming to see first hand what the average British person displays above their mantelpiece. Half of British living rooms have art on their wall bought from high street stores, and many of the British artists who created them are among the country's most successful - but we've never heard of them.

  Sue also tracks down the creators of recent history's most popular prints to discover their opinions on the images that changed their lives. Some of these iconic images are reproductions of famous artists, and some are unknowns, but who are these artists, and why are they so popular?

  She discusses Tretchikoff, the artist behind the bestselling prints of the 50s and 60s such as the Green Lady, with Red or Dead founder Wayne Hemmingway, and meets Scottish miner-turned-painter Jack Vettriano, the artist who created the popular Singing Butler. Sue tracks down Ullswater snapper Mel Allen and chats to Spencer Rowell, the photographer behind Athena's Man and Baby, before heading to Cornwall to get to the bottom of the two million selling Tennis Girl by meeting its flamboyant creator Martin Elliot. Finally, Sue meets Sam Toft, creator of Mr Mustard, the quirky figure featured in a series of bestselling prints.

  Sue also meets Terence Conran to find out about the revolution in interior design that took place after the Second World War, including the introduction of Habitat onto the high street, which made good design accessible to the whole community, and how that in turn has influenced the post-war taste of Great Britain.

Sue Perkins是个有趣的主持人,善自嘲,抖机灵,采访机敏。艺术品的大量复制确实走进大众生活的有效渠道。商品化和平民化,一举两得。你家墙上挂的是什么装饰画?

1.太喜欢女解说那范儿了 2.刚发现英式幽默才是一直伴我同行的许多人无法理解的冷幽默 3.BBC虽然是总结帝 但一直都是开放式总结所以我喜欢

批量生产 随波逐流 不求甚解 糊里糊涂 基础技巧 浮华喧闹 逃避主义……说的是大众艺术也是常人常态 但是片子里偶尔挑起大众艺术和严肃艺术之间那层说不清的纱帘时 也能带动很多思考 终于看了一部不再“美则美”的纪录片 不同的味道感觉也还好

就是把流行画作作为出发点探讨当代摄影及绘画艺术呗。片名叫做arts on ur wall,其实没有那么单一。典型的topic广泛而不深入的纪录片代表。



标题太大了货不对版。结语说得很委婉,在挂画上,大众所谓“艺术品位”大都是escapism, nostalgia and sentimentality 开头那个动画比基尼灯箱真好看

很有意思,跟Walter Benjamin说到的很多观点有呼应。市场改变生产,即使改变观者口味。印刷的技术革新和摄影术的出现对架上绘画的影响尤为甚大……这里也谈到kitsch Value在文化中的影响以及对艺术的一些改变



有位女士因为一幅画而爱上一个男人 觉得他很有品位很浪漫 后来嫁给了他 现在已生儿育女 结果这个片子的主持人对她说 这幅画其实烂大街了……然后主持人很自觉地滚了……

很有意思~ Escapism, nostalgia and sentimentality are not to be sniffed at. You can hang whatever you like on your walls.

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