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凱斯哈林的世界[英语 / 法语 / 德语]



主演:Jean Michel Basquiat,Fab 5 Freddy,Keith Haring,Madonna,Yoko Ono,Kenny Scharf,Andy Warhol,David LaChappelle

导演:Christina Clausen





The Universe of Keith Haring by director Christina Clausen is an intimate portrait of world-renowned artist Keith Haring whose mantra was that "Art is for everyone!" The film is a thorough and intimate exploration of the background and career of one of the most popular and significant artists of the 20th century. The film features interviews and archival footage of Fab 5 Freddy, Jeffrey Deitch, Kim Hastreiter, Grace Jones, Madonna, Yoko Ono, David LaChapelle, Kenny Scharf, Carlo McCormick, Andy Warhol, Ann Magnuson, Tony Shafrazi, and Junior Vasquez, among many others. Audio excerpts from original interviews with Keith Haring, were conducted by Haring's biographer John Gruen (Keith Haring: the Authorized Biography). The film's theme song is by the famed DJ and record producer, Junior Vasquez, with an original soundtrack by Angelo Talocci. The film was edited by Silvia Giulietti.

和安迪一个是有意义的doodle一个是无意义的真实。他的doodle这么受欢迎是因为线条和色彩真的有brain massage的效果啊,简单又有逻辑

很幸运从这部纪录片开始了解Keith Haring。不大学期间凌晨躺被窝里在B站看Andy Warhol的纪录片,看完之后推荐的这部Keith Haring纪录片。因为没有字幕,很多地方不怎么懂,但是影片结束后还是很被感动,Keith Haring就像是一个很单纯的普通朋友一样,他不仅热爱艺术,更热爱身边的人。

天才神予“I have so much to do”

it was a big decision to be an artist.

Keith Haring真是个伟大的家伙。另外现在看来川普对文艺界的冲击估计跟当初里根上台差不多

The Universe of Keith Haring


这部片简直是精神污染 拍得太好了因为本来keithharing的内心就是高度污染源 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 没想到原来他这么有名身边也各种大神级 andywarhol就不用说了 麦奶奶更是万万没想到 他那生活态度和各种实验和顺手拈来的素材灵感简直典型艺术家

Keith Haring的艺术和生活,他所展现全部,就是美国人最天真,最吸引人的部分。行动、现场、直觉、表演、装饰、观念、反抗文化……除此之外,他有一颗金子般的赤子之心。

与生俱来的填补空白的欲望/like a couple of old ladies with andy/ 用二维世界美化立体的生活/不可推翻的结局

his work inspire so many people ,such as "ignorance=fear silence=death"

i fell in love with this man...

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