Manufacturing Dissent is a topical documentary seeking to separate fact, fiction, and legend. It chronicles Michael Moore on tour during the promotion of Farenheit 9/11, all while exploring the politically charged climate in America that has prompted Moore's ascension from documentary filmmaker to icon of the political left.
看Michael Moore的纪录片之前应该先看看这个,把脑袋冷静下来
真的挺有意思的 这个片子本身风格其实就挺受moore的套路的影响的 一种愤怒叙事的感觉(或者至少说能调动起观众的愤怒和质疑) 然而内容是用来anti-Michael Moore的 看的时候比较放松,没刻意去联系后现代理论,就当撕逼大戏吃吃瓜,津津有味