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荒野求生  第五季[英语]

荒野求生 第五季

又名:野外求生 第五季 / 荒野求生秘技 第五季 / 人VS狂野自然 第五季 / Born Survivor: Bear Grylls season 5 / Ultimate Survival season 5

主演:Bear Grylls






EP1 "Western Pacific" August 11, 2010

  Grylls is on a desert island, south of Papua New Guinea. He wades across a shark-infested tidal channel, climbs crumbling volcanic cliffs, leaps over a 100-foot death drop, and constructs a bamboo windsurfer to make his escape.

  EP2 "Northern Australia" August 18, 2010

  In Australia's Northern Territory, Grylls must rely on many of the skills honed by the Aboriginal people to survive in this sweltering landscape dominated by crocodiles.

  EP3 "Canadian Rockies" August 25, 2010

  While in the Canadian Rockies, Grylls is buried alive in an avalanche, swims long distance beneath an ice-covered lake, and is airvac-ed to the hospital when an icy glissade goes horribly wrong.

  EP4 "Georgian Republic" September 1, 2010

  Grylls lands in the snow-capped Caucasus Mountains of the Georgian Republic by driving a snowmobile out the back of a hovering helicopter. He ziplines across a river, camps among wolves and trudges through swampy wetlands.

  EP5 "Fan vs. Wild" September 8, 2010

  Grylls takes two fans into the Canadian wilderness for their ultimate survival challenge. They face their fears head on, trek down dangerous glaciers and across a frigid glacial river, build a rustic shelter, and try to swallow typical Grylls fare.

  EP6 "Extreme Desert" September 15, 2010

  In the Mojave Desert Grylls puts himself in the path of a man-made sandstorm, takes on the full force of a man-made flash flood and HALO jump from 30,000 feet. His body is pushed to the limit as the temperature soars from minus 40 to 110 degrees.

The great Bear,这是一档真正的美食节目;第五季可以说是容量最小的一季,只有短短的7集,而且干货其实才四五集,还有几集人为制造的所谓的灾难,可以说是技术含量满满,也是专门策划给专业人群以提供参考建议的;Man vs. Wild的实用性说有用可能没用,但说没用吧万一真遇到这种情况也许还能救你一命;国人更多的是为了看贝爷Bear Grylls的食谱还有每一期的自然风光吧。

荒野求生  第五季


荒野求生  第五季

小虫子 切掉头部 可生吃 摄影师 相机很大 特别重 鸡肉味 嘎嘣脆的 肉三倍 贝爷牛 荒野求生 想要水 白天热 顺到晚上 特别冷 找归宿 随便挖坑 就地睡 如没水 找个容器 就地喝 在沙漠 拿个蛇皮 尿了喝 次结束 放飞自我 去游泳 要回家 标记信号 飞机送 在这里说一句贝爷金典名言:去掉头可以生吃脆脆的 骚话就这么多了 在这里说一句贝尔.格里尔斯 NB!!!!!!!

荒野求生  第五季

从贝爷的表情中我得知臭鼬肉也不好吃。My God,墨西哥的蜜蜂太毒了!还有蛇皮剥得蛮好,没有漏水哦。用手作诱饵钓鲶鱼那段太好玩了,肚子饿的时候看贝爷吃鳄鱼好馋啊!贝爷就是个废物利用者,摄影小哥好抢戏!后面几集贝爷哪是在求生呐,简直是在探险,哪里危险哪里钻。本季最后一集还有人客串!




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