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鲁保罗变装皇后秀众婊季 第二季[英语]

鲁保罗变装皇后秀众婊季 第二季








RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race 2 is the second season of the All Star RuPaul's Drag Race spinoff and will premiere on the Logo network on a new night; Thursday, August 25, 2016. Returning judges include RuPaul, Michelle Visage, and Carson Kressley, while the space previously occupied by Ross Matthews has been filled by Todrick Hall. Cast members were announced on June 17.[1] This season will feature ten returning contestants, selected from the show's second season through to its seventh season, who will compete to be inducted into the "Drag Race Hall of Fame".

  A new twist was revealed for this season changing the format of the show. In previous seasons, the two worst performing queens had to "Lip-sync for their Life" to avoid elimination. This season has the two best performing queens of the challenge "Lip-sync for their Legacy", with the winner of the lipsync earning $10,000 and choosing which queen out of the bottom three gets eliminated.

先看的全明星第二季 感谢让我认识了alyssa alaska detox coco tati 虽然对抱团挤走tati和alyssa不满,不过这季是我最爱的全明星!

鲁保罗变装皇后秀众婊季 第二季

BEST SEASON EVER 1.Tatiana是成长了还是第二季剪辑问题,全明星的她真的太精彩了,她和Alyssa真的是这季我最想看的选手。Tatiana在第一集就识破了Phiphi的绿茶哈哈哈哈真的鉴婊达人 2.Alyssa,从Coco到Phiphi真的就完全可以看出她是一个内心温暖拥有大爱的皇后,加上她的幽默,让人忍不住得视线停留在她身上,重点是她总是暗暗散发一种商业大佬的气息 3.Alaska、Detox就是精彩,Roxxxy这季其实本人是不那么讨厌的,但是由于队友的帮助,就...还是没有好感

鲁保罗变装皇后秀众婊季 第二季

看了鲁保罗ALL Star2 觉得一个人的气质和性格真的是在面对镜头独白时显露无疑 Detox就是非常甜心一个大姐姐 Alyssa真的是非常的妈妈 Katya就很坦率 阳光 Ginger只出现几集但也看得出她特别有耐心和气量 别提聪明漂亮的 Tatiana 这几位都好温柔55555 哭死 (所以怪剪辑把自己剪成婊子的人到底是以为观众有多蠢

鲁保罗变装皇后秀众婊季 第二季

最后三强居然就是我最喜欢的三个也太爽了吧(其实全员看下来强弱还是比较明显的)。阿拉斯加其实就是第六季Milk的升级版嘛,就是基本不纠结放得开(鲁皇说过drag的重点其实是don't take yourself too serious。)给妈妈或者姐妹变装的那集哭惨了,不被家庭接受的那种居然一个都没有,集体幸福啊。

Adore才华魅力颜值啥都有但是就是没有心理素质。。问题是退赛了怎么还能再看到她啊哎。。Alyssa也说不出来哪出彩但是就是挺喜欢的,对Tati, Detox路转粉。。。Tati也太美了吧,性格真好啊,很有教养的感觉。Detox感觉是时尚前沿,那套橡胶秀也太燃了吧。。Phi Phi 真的看完了感觉和第四季没变,一样阴险小心眼脾气爆。。。以为Phi Phi和Roxy会二婊互撕,但是Roxy好像真的变随和了


剧本太明显了,但是挑战真的对得起“全明星”这三个字,tati是意外之喜,甜美可人;四九州进步神勇,除了最后的drama不然真的完美了;detox的runaway全程slay;肉丝,are you clear now?

Adore is still the most ADORABLE one. Taping out is a brave and right thing to do.What the hell eliminate each other. So shut the fuck up.THANK YOU. | The most entertaining season ever. All stars totally. Alaska deserves the crown and glamour, the best part of her is she loves the community.

Team Katya!In my fantasy,she is the true winner of all star 2!Go Katya! #crownless queen


挑战好看的,四强(除了俄罗斯甜心)进得太难看了。Alyssa是S5我最不喜欢的人之一,结果看完这季喜欢她还更多过Alaska,虽然我S5已经很不喜欢Alaska。Ru说对了一点其实Alaska擅长的是marketing,她每一步都不是没经过算计的,再怎么抛梗看起来也不真诚。Phi Phi我能理解S4,不能理解这季怎么想的。Adore退赛毫不意外,之前就没料又很巨婴了

毫无疑问是最精彩的一季 从六强开始就已经都爱的不行了 不过最爱还是49th state You’re a winner baby

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