It is one of the most important works ever written. For some billion people worldwide, it is the holy scripture, the word of god and his prophet. For others, it is a historical artifact that has left an indelible imprint on the world. It is the Koran.
SECRETS OF THE KORAN probes the heart of the work that many outside Islam find impenetrable and mysterious. Examine the history of the verses and their implications for modern times, as well as the striking similarities and differences between the Koran and the Bible--and the ways in which Muslims believe the Koran corrects some of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Trace the influence of the Koran from the Golden Age of Islam to the modern rise of jihadism. And hear from top Islamic scholars and holy men as they share their insights into the work that lies at the foundation of one of the world's great religions.
THE HISTORY CHANNEL® provides the perfect guide to understanding the fundamental work that has shaped the Muslim faith for over 1,400 years, and will long continue to influence modern history.
科普得不错。ilm,”知识“,经中词频仅次于”神“;jihad,穆圣提出有大小之分,十字军东征的故事与小jihad思想的萌芽;fundamentalism,原教旨主义,18世纪的萌芽,20世纪的爆发——埃及记者Seyyid Qutb遭遇颇惨。我很早就听说,如何阐释经文,如何理解信仰,是自个儿的事,而灌输、逼出来的就不是信仰了。另外,要想更理解这些历史、人心、思想的发展,需要更详细的体验与研究,就不多说了。