单镜头喜剧《分久再合 Splitting Up Together》由Emily Kapnek及Ellen DeGeneres开发,根据一部16年丹麦剧改篇,讲述一对夫妻在离婚后,反而激发回他们婚姻上的激情。
Jenna Fischer饰演Lena﹑Oliver H udson饰演Martin﹑Bobby Lee饰演Arthur﹑Lindsay Price饰演Camille﹑Olivia Keville饰Mae﹑Van Crosby饰演Mason及Sander Thomas饰演Milo。
im 21 years old ,and never think of being a mom,though i like children...before (even doubt with time went by, whether i like them ...)and teach baby swim,yeah,i am a coach in my part time. but after watching this, i found OMG im a big girl, what if i dont have a bachelor and plan, just be a good mom,an adult. that's so sweet,maybe.
有趣的家庭 ,虽然两个人七年之痒但是有趣的灵魂把乏陈可善的感情也演绎的鲜活。三个孩子也超可爱,女权主义重度患者 可爱独立又很酷的mae, 刚刚发育遇到一系列烦恼的 梅森,so cute的小宝宝Milo…… 不过看到男主跟.lisa还是有点不爽,可能受女主影响不喜欢她 ... and我暂时接受不了这样…… 不过...看到女主受年轻活力的guys影响,还是挺开心的,哈哈感觉有、双标了。 Anyway,不知道怎么评分都没上8,今年看的第二部美剧,虽然没有性爱自修室那么好看,但是下饭还是ok的。 给个10分拉拉分嘿嘿。 对了 用腾讯看明显是删减版,完全纯洁镜头 ? 不知道哪里能看完整版嘿嘿。
"I dont want to marry someone who can live with me,I want to marry someone who cant live without me"Turned out I left someone who love me that much and marry to somebody,I dont know my choice was right or not, but I am working hard just like that couple,I will make a happy ending I promise.
This is the first US TV series I finished completely. And it's totally a new start, because I fell in love with English speaking series. Here Martin and Lena are parents for Mae(girl, feminist), Mason and Milo. “Long story short, we’re pulling the plug.” ,they told their friends peacefully. Maybe because of kids, daily trivialities and their different character, they divorced. However,they still live together to take care of their children. On duty or Off duty. They had respective new affection, at last, they found who is their true lover. It makes me pond on the way how to get along with each other in marriage. Besides, I admire the friendship among Lena and her confidants.
"I dont want to marry someone who can live woth me,I want to marry someone who cant live without me"Turned out I left someone who love me that much and marry to somebady,I dont know my choice was right or not, but I am working hard just like that couple,I will make a happy ending I promise.
概念玩的挺溜,跟现实情况还是不太相符,很适合下饭。女儿这个角色太神了,一个 feminist,中间有关这个话题的讨论也特别好。
其实到底是在婚姻中还是离婚后同居也不重要,要都是积极向上开心坦荡的人就好。看完之后我想起了看过我八字的人说我也会有俩儿子一个女儿(如果我生的话),搞得我也很喜欢这样三个娃的感觉:呆萌nice的大儿子,犀利闪耀的二女儿,可爱乖巧的小儿子(后两只顺序可替换)。resuscitate心肺复苏 rabies狂犬病 earthenware陶器 culminate高潮 persist持续 impervious无动于衷 topple the patriarchy推翻父权 live it up狂欢纵情享乐 gumption精明能干魄力勇气进取心 insole鞋垫 hand weights哑铃 minutiae细节 scratch my cornea刮到角膜
一天就能刷完的一部美剧。一对夫妻在离婚后实施轮班制带3个娃,on duty一方在主楼和孩子们住;off duty一方在车库改造的小房子住。剧情还是挺轻松愉快的,大概是因为这部剧剔除了孩子的学业问题、家庭的婆媳丈婿矛盾、经济问题....主要矛盾仅仅在于夫妻之间腻了,没感觉。若是现实生活有这么容易,估计也能像片尾那么皆大欢喜吧……
可可爱爱,walking in each other’s shoes would help a lot. 但...两个人都不用工作的吗?