Film about the drawings of Michelangelo and the way that they illuminate this life, his artistic development, his religion and his inner torments. The film is presented Neil MacGregor Director of the British Museum and is filmed on location in Florence and in the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo's drawings are some of the greatest of all time.
Fragile survivals from over 500 years ago, they can be studied and admired as things of great technical skill and enormous beauty, but they show us something else as well: they show us Michelangelo thinking. Michelangelo would have felt exposed seeing us look at his drawings. And that's what makes them exciting: they give us a thrilling insight into how this genius sculptor, architect and painter worked: they bring us closer to the master.From pen studies made when he was in his early twenties to the visionary crucifixion scenes carried out six decades later, shortly before his death, this film illuminates the high points of Michelangelo's career.
The film observes a life class at the Prince's Drawing School and uses the male sitter they are drawing to see how precisely Michelangelo studied his great obsession: the human body. From the sketch of God giving life to Adam for the Sistine Ceiling, to drawings in preparation for the Last Judgement and the great last works on the crucifixion, the film traces the remarkable evolution of some of the world's most celebrated artworks.
DVD Extras: A gallery of 25 drawings of Michelangelo from the superb collections of the British Museum and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford
曾经只是凡人 但生来圣洁无比人世昙花一现 天堂永恒不灭狂喜一转变 连死亡也是至善众人皆去 唯我新生还是很喜欢最后这段翻译的。米开朗基罗的一生围绕着他的野心,他的追求,他的完美主义。他的作品真的像他所想的那样万古留芳,带着他强烈的个人色彩。演员一开始有点像杰克船长233
把米开朗琪罗的形象性格立体的展现出来了 极度完美主义又即使他的结局是好的 但他大部分的人生是具有悲剧色彩的 特别是在他遇到那个爱上的年轻人之前 他就是上帝安排的不招人喜欢的艺术工具人
米开朗基罗境界太高 只有这样的近乎绝望的对艺术塑造的完美追求 才让他名垂千古 永恒的大师 突然觉得好理解米开朗基罗 那自求的孤独