The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.
Programme 1: A Tryst With Dynasty
Programme 2: The Wind Of Change
Programme 3: Legacy
简直就是一部“The Decline and Fall of British Empire”,聚焦二十世纪及以后的英属殖民地的历史,直截了当地分析了日不落帝国分崩离析的始末,译为“英帝国史”最恰当,而非所谓的“剑桥英国史”,毕竟英伦岛国与日不落帝国的区别还是比较明显的。
看着看着就想到《赛德克巴莱》里的那句“如果文明的代价是卑躬屈膝,那就让你们看看野蛮人的骄傲”。Ugly Racism。甩一条youtube有字幕链接:。
Amusement Park has not been developing through decades?No place for China.