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From neighborhood ciphers to the most notorious MC battles, "Freestyle: the Art of Rhyme" captures the electrifying energy of improvisational hip-hop--the rarely recorded art form of rhyming spontaneously. Like preachers and jazz solos, freestyles exist only in the moment, a modern-day incarnation of the African-American storytelling tradition. Shot over a period of more than seven years, it is already an underground cult film in the hip-hop world. The film systematically debunks the false image put out by record companies that hip-hop culture is violent or money-obsessed. Instead, it lets real hip-hop artists, known and unknown, weave their story out of a passionate mix of language, politics, and spirituality.

真实的街头,自由的灵魂,即兴就是生活中的诗词。Doc Brown、Crazy Legs、Mos Def、Medusa、Ahmir-Khalib Thompson这几个酷咖是真的燃。

补标。应该是同一系列,能看到很多熟悉老面孔。我觉得Mos def真是太帅了

印象最深的还是跟mos def一起freestyle的那个jesus

第一次看到The Last Poets、Bahamadia和17岁的Biggie的freestyle!

True thing about freestyle

电影「押韵的艺术」为我们讲述了全部Freestyle的发展和底蕴,片中不乏HipHop名人,Roots,Mos Def等都悉数登场,虽然是一部2000年发行的电影,但它绝对是可以写进历史的一笔,不论你在何时拿出这部电影观赏都可以收获到最纯粹的嘻哈文化。

各种爆强的flow!!各种牛逼的街头诗人!!hip-hop no doubt!!


all music have their flow hiphop是诗,就是生活中的说话呼吸是每个字 生活是每句话,注入了生命的歌词生活是木板上的钉子,Freestyle就是锤子,将生活变得严实

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