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自杀:日本的隐性生活[英语 / 日语]




导演:Richard Alwyn





Channel 4's "Secret Life of Japan" series concludes with this moving documentary. Containing personal accounts, this film shows how the stress and strain of failure at work and the recent recession in Japan, are driving increasing numbers of Japanese people to suicide.

  In the past several years, much has been written about suicides and their connection to high unemployment rates in Japan. Dire statistics show that in the years since 1998, Japan's suicide numbers have topped the 30,000 mark annually. This has the general population, as well as health and social welfare critics around the world taking notice.

  Near the base of Mount Fuji is an unhappy little spot called Aokigahara Woods, which happens to be one of the most infamous places in Japan for suicidal people to do themselves in. In recent years these woods have been known by a more tragic name, "Suicide Forest". In 2003, 78 middle-aged men apparently committed suicide here by hanging themselves from tree branches. This is an increase from the former record of 73 found on searches back in 1998. Experts cite unemployment, bankruptcies and other economic problems as major reasons for the deaths.

  The total number of Japanese suicides is roughly equal to that of the entire United States, a country that has more than twice Japan's population. To put the latest data in context, in today's Japan one is roughly five times as likely to die by one's own hand as to be killed in a traffic accident.

  Some cultural factors exacerbate the problem: lack of religious prohibition against suicide, reluctance to discuss mental health and stress-related problems, a literary tradition that romanticizes suicide, a view of suicide as an honorable act, a way of taking responsibility for failure, among other issues. The breakdown of family and social networks and the increasing isolation of individuals contribute to the problem.





"不这么做 也许就活不下去 人出生到这个世界上来 如果无论如何是必须活下去的话 那这些人要活下去的样子就不应该被憎视" 死同理



多么沉重的話題 有人渴望健康的身軀能每日睜眼看到陽光.. 而有人選擇自殺... 人真是矛盾體

和诗人卧轨自杀比起来 电影里日本人自杀的缘由多半是经济危机引起的失业 这种理性又现实的原因配合着压抑和谐至上的理念真是只有向往寂静得只听得到鸟鸣风动于朝夕之间挣脱了欲念的平静 。所谓的死亡气息 没有爱恨不愿面对只是想消失在寂静森林深处 也觉得死亡就像是深渊 你望它久了,它也会回望向你

好沉重 指路:/

劝人向生固然可以是善意的 但“想想你这样会给周围的人带来多少麻烦”就像是可耻的要挟了~


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