The airplane has changed our world, but do we really understand exactly how much? LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES reminds us how profoun dly this amazing invention has changed the way we do just about everything. It also renews our appreciation for the airplane and stunningly conveys the wonder and grandeur of flying.
Not that long ago, traveling between continents was a migration. Now, on any given day, 100,000 flights transport people and products between any two points on Earth in a matter of hours. Indeed, the airplane may be the closest thing we have to a time machine.
Filmed in 18 countries across all 7 continents, the film explores the countless ways the airplane affects our lives (even when we don’t fly). With a fascinating take on history, breathtaking visuals, soaring music, and a truly unique perspective, LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES shows the airplane in a fresh light as it takes audiences on a wondrous trip around the globe.
LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES was produced and directed by Brian J. Terwilliger (One Six Right), is narrated by Harrison Ford, and features an original score by Academy Award® winning composer James Horner (Avatar, Titanic).
其实要是能讲讲人类对飞机的探索过程就更好了。画面和配乐无懈可击,许多片段都具有表面和象征的双重含义,剪辑也很讲究,看得很爽很震撼!我和F看着看着都要双双泪目了,这要是没有飞机,异国恋还谈个屁!感谢时代! 历史上,只有我们的时代能享受这个视角。 只需要一眼,我们看到的比以前的人们一生中曾经看到的都多。 我们倾向于把过去浪漫化,并且十分怀旧。 同时,我们非常想知道未来会怎么样,也许,会有一些更好更先进的东西出现。
04/12/2014 @National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
"Every era is a golden age, it's just a matter of perspective."
"If we couldn't fly, we probably wouldn't go. And if we didn't go, image how different our lives would be. We see more in a single glance than people once saw in a lifetime. "