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Sonic Sea[英语]

Sonic Sea is a 60-minute documentary about the devastating impact of industrial and military ocean noise on whales and other marine life. The film begins with a mystery: the unexplained stranding and mass mortality of several species of whales in the Bahamas in March 2000. As the mystery unfolds, the film explores the critical role of sound in the sea, and the sudden, dramatic changes human activity is inflicting on the ocean's delicate acoustic habitat -- changes that threaten the ability of whales and other marine animals to prosper, to function, and ultimately, to survive. Sonic Sea features several charismatic scientists, including Ken Balcomb, the former Navy pilot and acoustics expert who proved to the world that naval sonar is killing whales, as well as the musician and environmental activist, Sting, whose moving interview connects the sonic world of marine life with our sonic world on land. The film offers solutions (and, by extension, hope) for a quieter ocean, and underscores that the ocean's destiny is inextricably bound with our own

with IFFA & 英国大使馆的活动上

Sonic Sea


Sonic Sea


Sonic Sea



各种科学家研究海洋发现噪音很大对海洋生物特别是鲸有很大影响 使得它们耳朵出血方向混乱导致搁浅 依然了列了一堆数据说明现在的海洋有多么嘈杂海洋生物有多么不适 但依然没有什么可行性的解决办法所以还是只能呼吁人们保护海洋 但人类本身的存在就注定了会破坏海洋 最后说不希望鲸消失那段优越感溢出屏幕 鲸当然不应该消失但它们绝不是为了给人类观赏而存在的 总之是个挺无聊的各种专家分析扯淡的片子

“People protect what they love.” “How can you protect what you don’t understand?”




一部关于保护海洋的纪录片,制作水平很高,后期是Marvel的团队做的,动画,文字,转场画面审美水平很高,电影感摄影画面,音乐感人,简直就是对海洋的的一封保护宣言,剪辑是Christopher Johnson,用Final Cut 7剪辑的,32bit的古董软件了,他的最后一个FCP7项目,然后就转PR了,故事剧本基于一本书《War of Whale》。


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