Barry Crimmins is pissed. His hellfire brand of comedy has rained verbal lightning bolts on American audiences and politicians for decades, yet you've probably never heard of him. But once you've experienced Bobcat Goldthwait's brilliant character portrait of him and heard Crimmins's secret, you will never forget him. From his unmistakable bullish frame came a scathingly ribald stand-up style that took early audiences by force. Through stark, smart observation and judo-like turns of phrase, Crimmins's rapid-fire comedy was a war on ignorance and complacency in '80s America at the height of an ill-considered foreign policy. Crimmins discusses another side of his character, revealing in detail a dark and painful past that inspired his life-changing campaign of activism in the hope of saving others from a similar experience. Interviews with comics like Margaret Cho and Marc Maron illustrate Crimmins's love affair with comedy and his role in discovering and supporting the development of many of today's stars. As a venerated member of America's comic community, Crimmins could be your newest national treasure. Just don't tell him that.
第31届圣丹斯电影节评审团大奖 纪录片(提名)博卡·格德斯维特
看完才知道call me lucky这样一个听起来轻松的名字原来背后是如此沉重的儿童性侵话题。call me lucky for not becoming an evil person with so much burden from childhood which was supposed to be innocent and carefree. behind insanity there is always reason. once you get through, you can understand why it actually is sanity protective techniques
这个纪录片讲述了一位非常优秀的stand up comedian的事业,也讲述了他作为儿童性侵幸存者为美国儿童的保护、为线上child porn零容忍政策的推进作出的令人五体投地的努力。我看他在听证会上的视频时简直觉得这家伙就是人类之光。
真了不起,经历了巨大的痛苦,却仍然以爱回报这个伤害他的世界,a warm bear。如果遭受了这一切的人仍能对别人温柔以待,我们这些真正的幸运者有何资格冷眼相看?
去年暑假接的任务。感受:1.真的很难翻,辛苦p总的润色+改正 2.心情沉重,哭了好几次 3.小孩一定要保护好 4.儿童性侵者都应该剁了?8⃣以后凌迟处死
背景故事和Hannah Gadsby如出一辙。果然每个喜剧都有一个悲剧内核。只是有人陷入悲剧无法自拔;有人扛起悲剧砸向悲剧的元凶们,把他们撕得粉碎。
这部纪录片看到三分之一之后来,Barry Crimmins 的人生“剧情”来了个大反转,从 Lucky 到 Call Me Lucky。
“在愤世嫉俗和汹涌怒火的背后,是理想主义和公正感。” 疯癫、抑郁、愤怒,是喜剧的源头,是应对机制。说出来,我们尚有一搏之力。